Featured Employers

We're proud to work in partnership with some the world's leading brands. Here, you can find out why so many companies trust PROMAN to deliver their hiring goals

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Our Partners

30 years of expertise

Our innovative recruitment solutions are why Toyota, L'oreal, JD Sports, Antolin and many more trust PROMAN to deliver their hiring goals. Our onsite teams are tasked with effectively engaging with you from day one to ensure peak performance across our agency workforce. We supplement your current procedures and operations, integrating from the ground up to maintain consistency in working standards and ensuring these are being upheld at every stage of your operation.  

Onsite Locations

Clients Trust PROMAN Weekly

Coverage Onsite

Trusted by global businesses

workforce management

Our focus is on increasing retention, quality and productivity for your business. By partnering with PROMAN, you can expect to have an experienced market leader to manage your workforce onsite and achieve your recruitment strategy. Through regular review meetings, MI reports and a focus on continuous improvement, we ensure our service provision is an integral part of your operation.

Want to be a featured employer?

Simply fill out the contact form below with your details and a member of our team will be in touch to see how you can feature on our website.